Boating; Summer Fishing a Reef

The wind blew the rain sideways. The lightning and thunder blinded and deafened the old boatguy. It seemed that the storms were worse this year than the past dozen or so. He wondered what omen this heavy summer rain fore tolled. He went down the ladder and checked the bilge pumps, they were running fine and the scuppers were clear. The engines were purring along but he was soaked to the bone despite the dryness of the eisenglass curtains.

His passengers were hiding down below safe and sound. They wanted fish and he put them right on them. They had a blast, caught fish, drank beer and hooted and hollered until the black clouds put a damper on their fun. Two of them were green with the 'big swallow.' The brain tells the swallow reflex to try to keep the contents of the stomach were it is. It doesn't work.

The old boatguy wanted to tell those seasick to come on deck but realized they would be there shortly anyway. 'You'd think one of em would help me steer,' he thought. 'They aren't my relatives. Wife put this fishing trip together but she ain't here.'

Two of the once removed relatives dashed on deck and fed the fish. It's remarkable how much discomfort a person can endure when the stomach rebels. The old boatguy ducked down into the cabin and tossed life jackets to the remaining relatives and carried two to the fish feeders. He helped them put the Mae Wests on and the distraction calmed them, temporarily.

A shaft of sunlight shone down on the water ahead of them and the old boatguy understood that the fast moving thunderstorm would be moving past them soon. The seas were up and very confused. He fought the wheel for another half hour before the sun broke through. It was all over before they got to the old boatguy's dock. No one helped with the lines. The two seasick cousins almost knocked him over getting off the boat. No one helped him offload the fish and no one offered to filet any fish.

The old boatguy put the fish into his refrigerated dock box and went into the house for dry clothes. The relatives were drinking the last of his beer when he came out. They asked him what time dinner would be and he referred them to his wife. She was shopping so they tried her cell.

He left for the 'Pukin' Pelican and to hell with them.


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