Boating; Nicest Day in a While!

Yesterday was the nicest day I can remember for a long time. I have short memory loss as you can tell. Seriously, the wind was up just enough to cool us off. It was from the Southwest but the seas weren't that rough so the club decided on a circumnavigation of Fort Myers Beach.

Everybody wanted to take his/her own boat around the island. It's good exercise. Cap'n Crunch lead the way aboard his behemoth, Run-aground Ralph followed, Boston Bob left early in his sailboat and I and the Reverend were in the Bidison. Run-aground Ralph was with Hot Tamale, his next ex.  Several stragglers joined in but they were way back so we didn't bother with them.

We had a nice slow ride from Mid-island to the (San Carlos) pass because of the Manatee zone and slow zones. We caught up with Boston Bob as he went under the lift bridge. All of us went through at the same time and marveled at how far south the pass end of the island had expanded. Most of us gave the sand a wide berth and obeyed the markers but true to form Ralph cut the island short. He kicked up some sand before he'd gone too far.

“His ADHD must be in full bloom this morning,” said the Rev. “Hot Tamale's bikini top is off, that can't help his concentration.”

“Hand me the binoculars,” I said to the Rev but he refused. Sure it's okay for a man of the cloth to peruse the ample charms of the next ex-Mrs Ralph but he didn't want to me to sin. “She was waxing his boat with her top off the other day! Don't give me that look, she was REALLY waxing his boat!” It's a hard job maintaining an all over tan.

Boston Bob split off from the group and headed south. It was every 'flag a flying' as he broad reached for open water. We didn't see him the rest of the day. He had fellow sailors aboard and their day was perfect when the engine was off and the wind was fresh.

The rest of the group opened up the throttles. It wasn't an official race but the skippers twisted their heads around to see how they were doing against the others. We didn't slow down until we closed in on the north end of the island. There are always plenty of charming young girls to wave to around the Lani Kai and Gulfshore all the way passed the public beach. Hottie started a flash contest with some of the young hotties. Way to many jail bate.

That is when we pulled away. Pretending not to know them was easy. Several of us ran over to the Sanibel Fishing pier and back before we reassembled at Matanzas Inn for a late lunch. We found ample room to tie up along the seawall. Mrs. Boatguy and her Mother joined us by car. We are addicted to Chef Dave's Reubens.

Boatguy Ed ( is the manufacturer of the worlds BEST anti-fouling bottom paint, TWEET me @boatguyed and a corresponding web site is NEVER, EVER TRY TO BUY HIM A DRINK!

This blog/column is meant for educational purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Void where prohibited. Some assembly required. Do not read while operating a motor vehicle or heavy equipment.


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