Boating; Captain Manny Lee and Corazon Frisbee!

In response to a recent blog/column, I received a picture of the new 'Corazon Frisbee', the one year old queen of Cap'n Manny Lee's Marshall sloop sailboat named after her;
Captain Manny Lee and Corazon Frisbee are living large in the Florida Keys @ Bone Island Bob's private marina in Islamorada, Florida, mile marker 74.5. Private Charters aboard his boat from one to five passengers.

Throwing the Frisbee for 'Sweetie Corazon' is no charge but remember she never quits just like her predecessor. For her birthday she received a new coconut (husk and all) along with a few other treats. The coconut husk is great dental floss.

On your way through the Keys stop and say hello to Manny and Corazon.

CAPTAIN McCLUSKY SAILING CHARTERS|74540 Overseas Highway, Islamorada, FL 33036|281-508-7174


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