I've been thrown out of better places than this!

Since there are so few of the 'Dead End Canal Yacht Club' members around Fort Myers Beach, Florida this time of year (July) I've been running wild. So wild as a matter of fact that I was thrown out of a favorite watering hole. Since I am a known trouble maker (I send food back when it isn't the way I ordered and make suggestions at a drop of the hat) I am always walking a fine line.

But i didn't expect a simple question to be my demise. "Excuse me 'New Manager' why have you instituted a policy of NO EMPLOYEES drinking at the bar?" As witness to my behavior was "Sailor Ed" who was curious as well. His point being that the dock hands and service people of the 'heretofore unnamed marina' were always looking out for and helping him and he liked to buy them a beer now and again.

The 'New Manager' replied that he had to ban them because they were troublemakers and destroyed  restaurant property. "Sailor Ed" expressed his opinion that the 'New Manager' should ban the few bad apples but not the entire group. At which time the 'New Manager' went off after a former manager, two or three times removed. (They go through a lot of managers there) He brought up the fact that the previous manager had fallen asleep in a booth after drinking (I can't remember if he said 'on the job') and 'he' wasn't going to allow that behavior in 'his' restaurant.

I challenged the 'New Manager' to remember that that previous manager often worked 80 hours a week without an assistant manager to help him. I guess that is when the real argument happened because he accused me of speaking to him in an inappropriate manner which I didn't think I had up to that point but I was willing to try. He said I had to leave or he would call the police. It was then that I flew off the handle and gave him reason to eject me. "Back stabbing, Machiavellian ladder climbing bastard" would have been appropriate but in the heat, I don't remember all of it.

Email exchanges between the owner and I haven't produced any result except that we should both cool off because we both said things we shouldn't have. My comment was that the owner should watch out cause the way the 'New Manager' has been moving up, he's probably after ownership!

One thing is certain; I won't be back as long as that 'New Manager' works there. Even if he returns to his waiter job, which he wasn't very good. In fact the old manager always helped him out? You never see it coming.

This blog/column is meant for educational purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Void where prohibited. Some assembly required. Do not read while operating a vehicle or heavy machinery. Keep sending those great questions and comments or I'm going to stop doing this, I'm not kidding! (Contact) DeadEndCanalYC@aol.com


Anonymous said…
That is a horrible way to treat our club members. I'll not be there this fall either.
Anonymous said…
I love your writing!
Anonymous said…
I can guess who the new mgr is and where you were!

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