Boating; Life after the 4th

I'm not sure if the 4th of July 'loooong' weekend helped the beach or not. I know that the few canal residents burned themselves out watching the fireworks. We're old you know. We think the 'Hot Tamale', Run-aground Ralph affair has come to a boiling point because there was a moving van loading furniture on Friday. Mrs. Ralph didn't join the fireworks party and we haven't seen Ralph since then. Cap' Crunch is keeping quiet about the goings on but he'll crack soon.

'Digger' took the Jersey off to a reunion in Long Boat Key Friday to show his new found wealth to his family. He won't tell them what the name means but it was his boat originally. He's coming back from the dregs of financial ruin and he deserves a little time to boast. Living in his in-laws double wide and letting his wife bring in the money has done the boy's ego harm.

Only Cracker Bob, Missouri Mo and a few others keep the lights burning on the docks at night. Lonely place for a while.

Last evening The Reverend and I were forced to talk to newbies at the Big Game Waterfront Grill. The Rev is a mostly 'tea drinker' but he likes their entertainment. They seem to have a singer or two every day between 5 and 7 and they are really good. I like their 7 day happy hour with great deals on drinks. My favorite is their 22ounce $2.25 'BudLightning.' Since they did away with Pabst Blue Ribbon six months ago I have the bartenders mix half Bud Lite and Yuengling. There is a rumor of PBR returning but I'm not holding my breath.

It's surprising that they aren't busier but the beach hasn't been very busy ever since season ended. Me thinks it's the rain. Townies don't want to drive all the way to the beach if it is going to rain but Friday daytime was pretty nice and Saturday was really nice.

So, I sat with the newbies and was forced to answer “Where are you from, are there any good fish places around, where are you from, when will it stop raining and about every other question 'cept what are the winning lottery tickets. I finally gave up and joined the Rev at a table.

A reader of the old column in the 'Fish Wrapping Paper' came by and sheepishly asked why she couldn't find it anymore. I thanked her for her kind words but even tho I do look a little like Hemingway, there is no comparison to our style or genre. Anyway, I gave her several of my blogging cards and she went away happy. Her last words did concern me tho, “Me and my friends aren't really computer savvy!”

Boatguy Ed ( is the manufacturer of the worlds BEST anti-fouling bottom paint, TWEET me @boatguyed and a corresponding web site is NEVER, EVER TRY TO BUY HIM A DRINK!

This blog/column is meant for educational purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Void where prohibited. Some assembly required. Do not read while operating a motor vehicle or heavy equipment.


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