“NO WAKE means no wake near Fort Myers Beach!".

“NO WAKE means no wake. It doesn't mean no wake except if it's about to start raining or the sun has set. STAYING ON RIGHT means staying on the right side of a channel. It doesn't mean stay on the right except if you want to bullshit with another boater or you aren't sure where the shallow water is so you stay in the middle. And people ask me why I'm angry?

No, I'm not prejudiced against people from Ohio. You need to have pre-judged someone negatively to be prejudiced. I have met enough Ohioans to know there are great ones and not so great ones. My beef is with the boater education system in Ohio. Just because they don't have tides, channel markers in Lake Erie or an extensive system of canals doesn't preclude some of them from knowing about the rules of the road.

What do they do all winter? Ice fish? Every Coast Guard Auxiliary
group in Ohio holds classes when the boats are covered with snow. One night a week or a few hours on Saturday could make boating really enjoyable for them and for us who are afraid for our lives when they get on the water.

Yes I know they have to work very hard to save up for that mobile home in Florida but I'm begging you, the ones still in Ohio, please take a course!

(This blog/column is meant for educational purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Void where prohibited. Some assembly required. Do not read while operating a vehicle or heavy machinery. Keep sending those great questions and comments! (Contact) DeadEndCanalYC@aol.com)


Anonymous said…
I think you are PREJUDICED! You are a smart-ass too! We Ohioans hve to put up with you Flordans all winter so It goes both ways
Anonymous said…
Most boaters should take the time to learn the rules of the road. It's sad there are so many deaths on the water!

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