I hate South Florida Boat Shows Except the Ones on Fort Myers Beach

For instance,
all the parking around the Broward Convention center doubled in price
and were designed to set up us for tickets. No one knew when the show
owned the parking lots, the Hilton Hotel or the City. Total rip-off.
I was forced to take a barrier down so exhibitors could use the
un-staging area because the attendant was late for the job. I was
applauded by fellow venders but I was certain there was a ticket or
worse in my future.
The amenities
were lacking. The only place to get a $6 cup of Starbucks was way too
far away. No rolling vendors or food trucks. The Convention
center employees checked coolers and bags looking for contraband food
and drink. Somehow they looked away when I approached. It's not
cool to be so angry for such a long time.
The show ran from Thursday thru Monday. I assumed Monday was a legal Holiday but it wasn't. Why end it on a dead ass weekday, WHY! I hope they don't look for me next year! I'll have to develope AZ before then to forget how pissed I was!