Boating; Buy new or not!

“My hand-held GPS is shot,” said Cap'n Crunch as he plopped down in a bar stool at the the 'Pukin' Pelican. “I just came from the “Handy Dandy Marine Electronic” repair store and it's done for!”

During the recent trip to the 'Dry Tortugas' (see late May blogs) everyone aboard had their own hand held GPS. Most worked marvelously except a few were way off course due to operator error. “I've got one exactly like yours,” I said scratching my chin. “Let me see it?”

“I left it there. They're ordering me a refurbished on for $200. That's damned near what a new one costs at West Marine,” he moaned.

Immediately, five smart phones appeared and the owners were all activating their wifi to connect with the West Marine on-line catalog. “Tim the Restorer” got there first and in less than a minute had the GPS page shining up at his face. “No way they're charging you 200 for a refurb, a new West Marine model is less than that?”

“I don't want to learn another one, I want my old unit repaired or one that is exactly the same,” said the Cap'n. “They said the part wasn't available!”

“I'd do some research if I was you,” said Cleveland Jack. “A similar problem came up and after I looked through the Internet, I found factory parts on Amazon and on E-Bay. It was for my Canon video camera which I loved. I called the tech and told him where to find it. He wasn't happy but fuck him and his ego, I wanted that camera fixed!”

“You can buy a GPSMAP® 78sc Marine Hand-held GPS Receiver with Compass and Barometer for $349! Why the hell would you put 200 into an outdated model,” shouted Tim as he watched the West Marine web site where Garmin's video was playing. “This thing is fantastic!”

We all watched the video until Tim's phone gave off a 'low battery warning.' Tim was right, it is a great hand-held GPS, probably the best on the market today. But Crunchie had a point. He was comfortable with his old one and learning a new one had a price, the uncomfort-price.

“I was burning up my smart phone battery by looking up GPS parts, “So you're looking to buy replacement parts or accessories for your Garmin? No problem, just go ahead and disconnect it from any cords and stands. Then turn it....,” I read from the search results.

Let me see that,” said Crunchie as he snatched my phone from his hand. “If you can find the parts, why the hell can't Handy Dandy? I think they were trying to rip me off!”

No, no, no way,” we all murmured. Nicole, our still hungover just turned 21 waitress tried to add a bit of wit to the conversation but there were to many, 'you know what I mean's' and 'something like that's', so we ordered more beer and she went away happy to be able to semi-function.

We enjoy the same birthday date but I didn't celebrate the way she did. 21 once is enough!


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