Boating Sailor Bob

Boating; Sailor Bob

'Boston Bob' and crew left the Dry Tortugas Thursday morning at false dawn, hours ahead of us. They profited from the wind out of the East Southeast at 8 to 12 knots. The thirty foot Catalina was doing nearly five knots for 18 hours before the wind settled into true east. The seas were sufficiently lumpy that they hand steered most of the way. Everyone took a turn at the wheel. Sail trim was minimal and they had rigged a preventer so if they jibed the boom wouldn't swing all the way around and strike the mast. (A jibe is either a controlled swing of the stern and sails of the boat through the wind or an uncontrolled, violent occurrence that can dis-mast a sailboat.)

The wind was fairly constant but the waves pushed the boat around and the preventer was very useful. Bob recollected jibing was prevented a couple times an hour.

We were looking at a beam reach all the way but the last 6 hours we were close hauled right into the sea buoy,” Bob said at the debriefing Friday afternoon at the Big Game Bar and Grill. “I haven't ever had such a ride!”

Twenty four hours stuck in that rocking horse heeling over with salt spray in your face, no way,” said Cap' Crunch. “We were in Key West twice and back home without a bit of discomfort.” Which was a lie but he does that so often that no one challenges him anymore.

You'll never understand, Motor Head,” Bob continued, “Sailing is a state of mind!” It's also a lawyer thing. Bob was a Lawyer in a passed life.

You missed the excitement of hauling that Sea Bay off Tern Island,” Phil added. “He had an all chain anchor rode and you'll never guess why.”

Cruises in the Bahamas? Chains better around those coral heads,” guessed 'Run-aground Ralph.

That's what we thought but no, he keeps 300' of half inch chain in the anchor locker so the boat trims flatter.” said Phil. We all said 'what' unanimously? “Yeah, he can't trim the bow down far enough so he added the weight. Never heard of a snubber, though!” (Shock Absorber)

If I knew that I'd never have helped him,” I said. “Dumbest thing I ever heard.”

Boston Bob continued his report, flying fish, millions of stars between the clouds and hot coffee on watch and a beer before 6 hours off-watch and a good sleep. He thinks his boat did exceptionally well. Most of us were mesmerized by his descriptions. That's the difference between power boaters and sail boaters. If you ask three questions of a power head; how long did it take you, how much fuel did you burn and was it rough you have the whole story. But if you ask; how was the trip to a sail head you'll get a novelette!

Boatguy Ed ( is a manufacturer of the worlds BEST anti-fouling bottom paint, TWEET me @boatguyed and a corresponding web site is NEVER, EVER TRY TO BUY HIM A DRINK!

This blog/column is meant for educational purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Void where prohibited. Some assembly required. Do not read while operating a motor vehicle or heavy equipment.


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