Boating; Water Maker

The Captains of "My 20%" who are going to The Dry Tortugas

'Miami Enrico', 'Cracker Bob', 'Dirt Digger Gene', 'Run-aground Ralph', 'boatguy Ed', 'Punxsutawney Phil'

“We don't need the water-maker,” said 'Miami Enrico' as he puffed on his latest fake Cuban cigar made in Tampa. He's the newest partner in “My 20%” the 1984 Jersey 40'. His contribution was the re-build on the Port engine and he's excited to be going to Fort Jefferson. He's a South Beach type who got old when he wasn't looking. Cleveland Jack introduced us because they're members of the same boat club. He lives on Fort Myers Beach year round but not on the canal.

“I see your point 'Rico' but since we already have it we should use it,” 'boatguy Ed' said. “The $500 maintenance kit is high but maybe we could sell fresh water in the 'Dry' Tortugas, ha, ha.”

“You guys used up all the water last year. We dipped the tanks and they were way less than half full,” said 'Cracker Bob'.

“Why don't we go first this year,” said 'Dirt Digger Gene' but then he remembered the big job he had and he couldn't afford to take the time off for the first leg. His job and the late cold fronts were the reasons we were going so late in the month. Gene's business was finally looking up and he was even talking about kicking the renters out of his beach house and moving out of his Mother's double wide.

“I think we should buy the maintenance kit.” 'Punxsutawney Phil' had delayed his return North by two weeks just to go with us. He'd been a year around beach resident until his youngest son finally got married and had a brand new baby girl. was part owner who loved the Tortugas. Besides it was our only overnight trip so he had all the right. Mrs. Phil had a new grand-baby to spoil so she went ahead without him. He was an original 20%-er but recently he'd had been dragged back North by a new batch of little ones and grandma.

I guess 40 years workin' the phone company gives you a real nice pension,” said 'Run-aground Ralph'. “Was there any insider trading going?” He ended up with a pile of telecommunication stock worth a lot of money.

“I think that we should maintain the boat as best as we can because the old girl has been very good for us,” said I. They agreed!

So we all kicked in a hundred dollars for the maintenance kit. Enrico and I went to the new West Marine to pick it up. I didn't tell anyone that I'd ordered it several months before. The visit started off badly. One of the female clerks snickered a little to loudly at Rico's died black hair. He noticed but didn't react. What is normal in Miami isn't in backwater Fort Myers.

After searching in the back they brought out a much smaller box than I expected. “That's $500,' Rico asked the teller as she counted out the cash. “Must go a long way,” she said.

We inventoried the contents against the packing list and it was all there. “Let's get over to Cracker Bob's so he can start the upgrade,” I told Rico who was showing another shopper his gold Crucifix and chain.

Cracker Bob promised to work on it in the morning. He had motivation because he hates saltwater showers. “It'll be making water by Saturday afternoon,” he said confidently. “Just fives days to departure. When and where is the Captains meeting?”

Sunday afternoon at the Pukin' Pelican. Boston Bob is leaving Monday morning because he'll take a lot longer to get there. Cap'n Crunch leaves Monday afternoon. He's going to Key West for a few days before coming out to the Fort,” I said.

So, we're leaving first light Tuesday?” I wanted to tell him to make the meeting but didn't wanted to piss him off before he fixed the water maker. “That's the plan. If we can make the secret fishing spot by

3 pm. We'll be grilling Snapper by dinner time!”

The Friday happy hour was very tension filled. It's always that way during the run up to the trip. We talked loudly and drank faster than normal. The chicken wings disappeared quickly and the waitress was unhappy that we would be out of town because we were a large part of her income in this time of year.

Tomorrow I will start a new batch of Habanero hot sauce for the trip. I love hot Chilis and sweet peppers on my fish.

Boatguy Ed ( is a manufacturer of the worlds BEST anti-fouling bottom paint, TWEET me @boatguyed and a corresponding web site is NEVER, EVER TRY TO BUY HIM A DRINK!

This column is meant for educational purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Void where prohibited. Some assembly required. Do not read while operating a motor vehicle or heavy equipment.


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