Boating Stubborn Bastards

Being a commercial boater, shrimp or fish or boat mover used to be the last bastion of independance. If they wanted to die on the ocean blue, it was their right. See ya, don't write unless you have good news about Heaven or Hell.

Then the U.S. Coast Guard decided to deprive these rugged individualist of their right to die stupidly. So the U.S. Coast Guard, who had been searching for those missing rugged individualists for years at enormous expense mandated changes to commercial vessels. The pleasure craft industry had already adopted EPIRBS and break-away self inflating life rafts on the big boats. Under order the commercial fleet eventually complied.

Today, the rescue time between boats without EPIRBS and with is so startling that not even the stanauchest Captain Ahib could believe it. But vessels and crews are still lost because commercial fishing is still a dangerous job but the EPIRB has saved many lives.


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