Boating Courtesy?

Boating boatguy Ed While waiting for a 'friendly dock' to open at the Pukin' Pelican last weekend, I and the gang were sitting back while allowing more impatient boaters to go in front of us. It was a whole 10 minutes before an up current dock opened and we slid into the slip and allowed the outgoing tide to carry us over to our spot. At the bar we were accosted by a skipper we allowed to take one of the 'unfriendly docks'. He was miffed that we'd set him up to bang into the pilings. Point in fact, he was right. We had given up our place in the docking queue because of the way the tide was running. “ Why did you do that to me,” said the skipper wearing the Wisconsin Badger's t-shirt. The Reverend tried to explain, “I'm sorry you feel that way, Sir, but we were waiting for a larger dock to open up. My Tri-toon is a full 8 foot six inches wide and we wanted all the extra space possible.” “ Bilge water,” said the of...