Dead End Canal Yacht Club Trump-ed

"What a bunch of CRAP," said Fighting Joe as he read the latest on Donald Trump's declaration against Senator McCain, "hero or no hero, it's all Political bullshit!"

"Now we'll get the true scoop of poop from our old front line troops," said 'Nam Norm'!

"I was there and proud of it," said Joe as he spit on my garage floor. The argument escalated between Norm and Joe even as I threw Joe a garage rag. He threw it back.

"Wipe up your spit or get the fuck out," I shouted as I threw the rag back," this ain't the cleanest garage but if my wife saw you do that we'd never use it again!"

"So settle the argument, boatguy," said Cap'n Crunch," is McCain a hero or not?"

"Of course he's a hero not because he flew combat aircraft and risked his life. Not because he was shot down and held captive. Not because he was often tortured for 5 years BUT because he turned down out-of-sequence early repatriation. The North Vietnamese wanted to use him as a publicity stunt because his Dad was an Admiral so they offered him early release and he said NO! He'await his turn which was 2 years later! That is why he is a hero. I'm not sure if early release would have helped his war wounds but they left him with lifelong physical limitations," I said.

Fighting Joe straightened up from wiping the flood and shrugged his shoulder while he offered me the rag. I pointed towards the washing machine and he put it in. All was right in the "Dead End Canal Yacht Club" house once again.

The argument isn't over. God help us, no. We have over a year of this shit!


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