Where did the Good Karma go?


As a young lad I fancied myself a tough guy. I have a short history of accomplishments that mostly bears out my assumption even tho I was never as tough as some of my friends. That was 50 years ago. I set limits and stayed within. Never kicked anyone on the ground and always let them back up w/o hitting them when they were most vulnerable.

I thought I was a good guy wearing a white hat, a peacemaker when I was a bouncer and I always took the underdogs side of the dust-up!

Today the rules have changed. I watch the MMA cage fights and get really burned up. Those 'Frogs' fight with their feet and f+*ck with their tongues! And it is vicious and wrong. I never stood by while a defenseless combatant was pummeled like that even if it was my guy doing the pummeling! After I or my friends pulled the pummeler off, he would have the option of continuing with one of us. Never happened!

That is why I am at a loss to understand who continues to kick me now that I'm down. What happened to the good Karma I thought I had accumulated? (I'm speaking health-wise) Every time I think I'm at the end of the tough road the cliff reveals another downturn. "Once more into the breach..."


Anonymous said…
If you didn't kick a guy when he was down doesn't mean you accrued good Karma. Walking away from an unqualified combatant was the only real way to cache Karma. It sounds like you enjoyed yourself toooo much!

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