Season's End and almost me!

I should be glad that nobody reads this
blog because very few of my fellow boaters can call me out for inaccuracies. Since I've been away recovering from a C.A.B.G. Which is
a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft I'm sure even fewer of my readers are
aware or care about my musings. I'm back, I think?
It doesn't really matter, really. After
the tediousness of the 10 year newspaper column run, I was happy not
to have a dead line. My Editor was happy not to have me around
because I nearly got him fired for criticizing the Papacy during the
election of new Pope.
He was out of town and I had lulled him
into a complacent place because all I wrote about are the assholes
that belong to our faux 'Dead End Canal Yacht Club'. Some of you even
doubted if they even existed but anyone who can't pick them out of
the happy hour crowds on Fort Myers Beach hasn't been paying
Hey, I was trying for a little
controversy to see if anyone was paying attention. I guess my editors
were. Change of direction and all that! What I am tired of is the
winter residents who slobber over me whenever I'm out at the bars
that I write about, “Oh, we miss your column so much!” “Why
don't you write more?” “I subscribed to that paper just so I
could read your column in the summer.....”
Bullshit! Bunk, Hogwash and all that
because if the Editors would have heard one tenth the tripe I have to
listen to they wouldn't have 'changed direction'!
The cheap bastards who run the paper
couldn't put out a rag like that if it weren't for suckers like me
and YOU. They just suck what little advertising dollars there are and
keep it all. I must give it to the Island Sand Paper who is another
fish wrapper but at least they do it with a little style
In any event, I'm not sure if I have
that many stories left about them because they have nearly exhausted
my memory banks but I'll throw in once in a while. I will be happy to
report on boat trips and near misses on the waterway and encourage
new arrivals to take US Coast Guard Aux safe boating courses. I would
be really excited when the law mandates such courses!
All you northerners have already gone
home and good riddance, so why am I bitching! Time to lay down and
take my meds!