Fort Myers Beach Christmas Boat Parade 12/06/14

Can it be that time of year already? Fort Myers Beach Christmas Boat Parade is this coming Saturday leaving from the Outhouse BBQ in Slimy Sam's Marina. If you detect a little rancor in this blog it is because of Slimy Sam's Marina complex fired their 8 year bookkeeper during her breast cancer treatment.

And that is why none, zero, of the "Dead End Canal Yacht Club" members will participate. Who ever heard of such a disgraceful action. She was involved in active chemo therapy when she lost her insurance because she was fired. Contrary to rumors, Slimy Sam's Marina didn't fight her unemployment. Not even they could sink that low!

Some of our members will join the parade in progress by intercepting them at Doc Fords. And most of our members will have a few beers there rather than Slimy Sam's Marina and the Outhouse BBQ.

(This blog/column is meant for educational purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Void where prohibited. Some assembly required. Do not read while operating a vehicle or heavy machinery. Keep sending those great questions and comments! (Contact)


Anonymous said…
Slimy Sam's! We love it cause itz so true! Don't know why they smoke the meet in an outhouse?
Anonymous said…
Ur a hoot. So glad I found you again since you arent in the paper. I took the Beach Observer in Indy just to read your crazy column. No more and could never get a straight answer why you weren't.

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