Soccer Fever
Lately, the Super bowl has been
snoozers, the world series is still boring baseball and forget about
the NBA because the only interesting thing that has happened is the
racist(?) remark from Donald Sterling. Chris Rock on the BET awards
show drilled the joke about it, “I don't want my woman around black
professional basketball players either!”
The real excitement is over Team USA
'Futboll' team. Soccer is hot but boring and then extremely exciting.
Who plays 95 minutes for a tie or a one nothing win? It's the most
popular sport in the world and it is becoming noticed by a large
portion of North Americanos who will be glued to a large screen TV at
4pm this afternoon.
Cleveland Jack will be with a
smattering of other Dead End Canal Yacht Club at the Big Game
Waterfront Grill and he is fond of saying that this is the only sport
that can be totally decided by the Ref. I've had my share of yellow
cards (penalty warning) but I've never had a red card (ejection
penalty) during my son's years with the beach soccer team. In some
instances, like the time the Ref didn't show at a game in San Carlos
Park so the opposing team's coaches wife took over the duties, I've been very
Luckily, the beach team was so good
that the Refs couldn't effect the outcome but they sure could shave
the points. It sure did piss off those high funded soccer leagues
that a group of pick up players could beat their traveling teams. I
understand how those huge brawls during games happen because the
bored intensity can well up to near violence at even youth soccer.
“You were going to fight those San
Carlos Park Fathers even though my Dad was with you? What were you
thinking,” my wife yelled at me. My only answer was, I guess I
wasn't thinking? But I'll be thinking today as Team USA beats them
Belgies. It's time for the supreme being to punish them for
introducing that cute practise of chopping off African's body parts.