Is boating only for men?
boatguy Ed
These few statistics are hard to
ignore if you are a boating guy. First, 75% of the choice about which
boat to buy is made by the women of the family! Second, 90% of the
choice to get out of boating is made by women! Let me explain, you
see the first statistic deals with the final choice between several
models or boats. The female partner in the deal usually has the final
choice in the brand, color scheme and equipment. That is a lot of
power to have but it’s okay with me!

If we accept these
stats to be fact and I think they are correct because they come from
a manufacturers organization, the why don’t those boat makers
advertise to this large and powerful group? You don’t have to study
their brochures very hard to realize that they are aiming at the
twenty something crowd. The glossy pages are adorned with svelte
models on the boats displayed therein.
There aren’t many
pictures of kids either in those brochures. Normal sized men and
women along with kids and the family dog are the customers they
should seek! I don’t know what Madison Avenue advertising firm puts
these campaigns together but they totally ignore reality. And where
are the depictions of the fun of boating? A beached boat and a picnic
is a good start. Or a beautiful boat tied up along side of a nice
waterfront restaurant and happy diners enjoying a sun filled outing?
These are the
activities that appeal to women and kids and dogs. Although it is
harder to find seclude beaches that allow dogs or open fires or
beached boats. And the waterfront restaurants never allow dogs. As
far as kids go I guess they’d tolerate them but you very rarely see
kids in their advertisements either. Still these are the activities
that women like about boating and they make a lot of important
What will happen to
boating if all the women decide that the money could be better spent
on other recreational activity. “Lets Go RV-ing” is a campaign
aimed at families and they are stealing boaters right and left. Their
brochures are full of picnics and families and fun for normal people.
Why is boating missing the mark? Mostly because the industry is
dominated by middle-aged white men who crossed over from the car
business and we all know how the car business treats women!
So it is a good old
boys network at the boat dealership just like at the car dealership.
The only group more ignored by the boating industry is the minorities
but they are being considered in future advertising. Yeah right!
How can this threat
to your boating happiness be overcome? It’s simple because we have
an ally that is just waiting to relieve us of our burden and they are
the waterfront restaurants. They stand ever ready to do an instant
boating makeover on your female boating partner. Ask her to invite
the person she would like to impress the most and then invite them
out on the boat and to a great waterfront place. A little practice
docking will make the day because a confident skipper makes a boating
day a lot more fun. She will thank you and will remember that day
when the yearly budget comes around!
Boat safe and treat
the ladies right and you can have a lot more fun! Send questions and
comments to or this publication.