Updating New Membership Greeting!

 ...and in the beginning, God created the Earth, the Sky and the Oceans. Not long afterwards, Man developed the drag line machine to easily create canals and gravel pits. Subsequently; old Black Joe renamed the Paradise Canal by sinking his fishing boat at the entrance. Paradise became Hell without a way to get out!

'The Molly B' wasn't there beyond the weekend but a living legend emerged. On today's maps and charts of Fort Myers Beach you won't find either referenced. That has played havoc with the water taxis that pop up every few years. We hoped Google Map would remedy the situation but they missed the turn.

Most of our residents are resigned to the anonymity so when asked, they just say; “Turn left at the Pukin' Pelican!” Old timers don't have to ask or don't care but the County knows where we are because we get a tax bill every year. So we can't be as mythical as some people think we are, if 'Little Angel' Diaper Service can find us, OKAY!

Every now and then the question of membership arises. Fort Myers Beach's Dead End Canal Yacht Club isn't a typical Yacht Club where the members recruit fellows (and now Ladies) of similar tastes and financial status. To belong to most clubs means you need a boat that can accommodate a half a dozen members or more. On the East Coast of Florida, Yacht Clubs use the Chinese Rule of the road; Big Boat Go First!

Here on Fort Myers Beach 'Dead End Canal', we are geographically
driven. If you live on the Canal you get a full membership. If you are a seasoned boater living elsewhere, you may obtain an honorary membership for a small fee and a declaration of undying loyalty. No size requirements nor financial background is necessary except for candidates for Club Treasure.

As with most clubs or associations, the cream sinks to the bottom and the turds rise to the top. Myself included! Welcome Aboard! 

This blog/column is meant for educational purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All images are merely for humor and not meant to comment on subject. Void where prohibited. Some assembly required. Do not read while operating a vehicle or heavy machinery. Keep sending those great questions and comments! (Contact) boatguied@aol.com


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