I've always been suspicious of the
stories coming out of the Arizona Veterans Hospital because I have
been so well treated by our Lee County, Miami and St. Pete VA. Since
they have opened the new Outpatient Clinic in Cape Coral/North Fort
Myers, I feel even better served.
During the off-season months it is
possible to get an appointment within days but in-season the
available appointments are far apart. When you drive through the
expansive parking lot in front of the nearly new, huge OPC the
reasons for the difficulties are evident.
Every other auto has out-of-state
plates and these snowbirds vets show up and slow up Florida and
Arizona facilities. They have every right to be here and get care but
why they bitch so much about wait times is ironical. It is
self-evident that older men are cranks. Some younger ones, too but a
lot of that is PTSD related.
What do I mean by 'cranks'? Some people
are cranky all the times and a little paranoid, too. They feel that
they are treated unfairly and sometimes we all are but they take it
harder and louder than most. Just the other day I was waiting on an
appointment when a young vet began speaking loudly and extremely
negatively about the employees of the VA.
He didn't swear and I think he had a
viable point about some employee who had gone to lunch just before
his time even though she should have known he was waiting. Since the
young vet (35?) had a service dog with him I assumed that it was for
psychological reasons. I was willing to give him a pass because he
really wasn't nearly as outspoken as I've seen and heard in the Miami
Obviously there were others who
objected in fact two elderly women and an elderly man told him to
keep it to himself. I don't know who called them but two VA cops
quickly showed up, the young vet had already calmed down. I suspect
it was the clerks who must have direct lines to the police. In Miami,
no one would have even turned around.
That is why I prefer the Miami
Hospital, that and their private rooms and pretty young Puerto Rican
nurses. If a young woman gets hired in any VA facility she can
transfer to any other facility without passing state licenses. Miami
is a favorite which shouldn't surprise anyone.
In the Miami VA hospital there is noise
and strife and laughter and wonderment. Over the year that I was in
and out of that hospital, I got to practice Spanish and made a lot of
friends. My wife OWNED the place. Every morning no matter how many
tubes and IV's were hanging off me, the smiling nurses would
cheerfully ask me, ”Where is your wife or how's your wife?”
“Oh, they don't wake them up at 5:30
in the morning at the free to Hospitalized veterans families,
lap-of-luxury, 4 star Fisher House right next door. They wait until
the gourmet Brazilian coffee is perked and the fresh fruit and bagels
are delivered,” I would say truthfully. “This afternoon they are
having a catered luncheon sponsored by the Miami Dolphin's Football
Team.” In other words, if you want to see her, be here between
10:30 and 11am. LOL.
Al kidding asides, I've been treated
well in the majority of cases because I've suppressed my grouchy
inner self and smiled and said thank you. Mostly because how quickly
my wife makes friends out of the most overworked people!