Boating is Complicated by Antiquated Terms!

Is boating too complicated and therefore too difficult for the novice? Wouldn’t doing away with antiquated nautical terms and replacing them with everyday terms simplify boating? We all learn the difference between left and right in the first grade and the teachers pounded in our heads that we walk on the right in traffic. So the basics are already learned. Then we buy a boat and things change but why do we have to follow the ancient mariners. We don’t use cotton sails or steam power anymore but we still use terminology that dates back to the Vikings. Starboard is said to be a corruption of the word 'steer-board', which was on the right side of the boat. With the 'steer board' hanging out the side you couldn't come into port on that side or you'd smash the steer-board. So ancient boats came in to Port on the port side of the boat opposite the right side steer-board or starboard, right! Port and left have four letters so Port and left are the same. And i...