Fort Myers Beach Turkey Days aren't good for Turkeys

What a boondoggle Thanksgiving is and isn't. 17 million Turkeys are MURDERED just to satisfy the blood lust of the American public. That is the opinion of the newcomer Vegans across the Canal so I thought to include their values into this column as a way to welcome them. I prefer to believe that each and everyone of the Turkeys are 'harvested' humanely. As if there is a humane way to kill 17 million of anything. I could make a correlation to our American poultry farmers and the hated Nazis. I won't because I don't want to, even though the Vegans have made that comparison several times, recently. They are a happy go lucky couple of ex-hippies who like to smoke dope and quote Buddha and Mao and Bob Dylan unless some one wears any kind of fur around them. They instantly turn into snarling junk yard dogs. They won't sit on leather furniture or drink milk or eat any animal flesh and no food can contain any animal bi-products like eggs, cheese or milk. You might...