
Showing posts from May, 2014

Dancing with the Dolphins

Sooo cool video of wakeboarder dancing with the Dolphins

Memorial Day Tales

With bated breath and rapted attention we waited for the next installment of our guests war stories. The unwashed individual could really spin a yarn and since we were stranded at the 'Pukin' Pelican' because the Reverend had driven some other boaters home, we gave him our full attention. "I was on my second tour when 'Charlie' over-ran our position.

Thank You For Your Service

Oh sweet Memorial Day! When us live Vets get praised for staying alive and our dead comrades have tiny American flags placed near their headstones. “I'm getting sick and tired of people thanking me for my service,” said Boston Bob. “Quit griping,” said Cap'n Crunch, “take the thanks and live with it.” “I especially enjoy being thanked by draft dodgers,” I said. Crunchy strongly objected. He wasn't a draft dodger, he was a loyal American who served in the Illinois National Guard from 1965 to 1971. “Why did you join the Guard,” asked Hard Luck Hanna. Crunchy gave a half-heart-ed explanation about his sick Mother and his Union apprenticeship in his Father's company. “Thank you for your service,” said Run-aground Ralph. I thanked him and asked which branch he served in. “I joined the Navy but transferred to the Coast Guard.” “They did some great work on the rivers in Nam. Did you and John Kerry serve together,” asked Boston Bob. “I would have nev

Back From The Dry Tortugas

We had a blast. Caught fish, dove the reefs and drank beer till we didn't want anymore! If you can imagine that? Sorry, no particulars but will e-mail them to you if you comment!

Last Whaling Ship Leaves Mystic Seaport for Extended Voyage

From Soundings Trade Only Historic Whaler Starts Extended Voyage  See Video Here!

Polution awaits Olympic sailors in Brazil!

From the New York Times.... Raw sewage may spoil 2016 Olympic sailing events! Click Here  For Video Report

Murder and Mayhem @ Salty Sam's Main Street Marina

Two Murders at Salty Sam's Marina Sailor Ed knew something was wrong when he turned into Salty Sam's Marina. There were a dozen emergency and TV news vehicles in his way. "I just walked around them and headed for my boat on Dock D. Just passed the dinghy dock a Deputy demanded to know what I thought I was doing!" After learning of the homicides of his dock neighbors, the small fire set by the perp and that his boat was alright, Sailor Ed was turned back for most of the day. Around 3 pm the Deputies allowed Ed down to his boat. He was very releived to find his boat intact. "No bullet holes or nothing," he told his fellow "Dead End Canal Yacht Club" members at the Big Game Waterfront Grill. "All I wanted to do was check my boat before I  went out to buy them a wedding present....." "That must have been a hell of a divorce," said Cap'n Crunch.

Dry Tortugas Day One

Dry Tortugas National Park SENT FROM MY SAT PHONE "My 20%" departed it's dock at 10 am with six Captains aboard. Four experienced boaters three partners among the four and two wanna be skippers. We settled near the Sea Buoy and set our readings into the log. Replotted our course, double checked all tanks (fuel and especially water) before pointing her bow towards the Southwest and beginning our most recent journey to the Dry Tortugas. STAND BY FOR 1st DAY UPDATES Great Fishing. Caught lots. For more details send comment and I'll post more. Gets a little lonely just talking to myself!

Important From Boat US

Boat US; Is this a tow or salvage?


Coast Guard Rescues 9

USCG Offloads Cocaine (video)

Huge shipment of Cocaine Offloaded by USCG

USCG Rescues injured man 109 miles off Key West

USCG video Boating by Boatguy Ed Web Site

Stand a Post On The Wall Of Liberty!

I was sitting at the newly deserted Sunset Bar last night with a wanna-be 1%er who tried to illict from me a negetive story about the Veterans Administration care of veterans. He tried to get me going by telling me a story about his Father-in-Law and the poor care he received from a VA Hospital in St. Louis. I explained that I had been treated for several conditions since becoming a VA patient. He really didn't want to hear that so he cited statistics about the cost of the care and didn't "I" think it was an expensive undertaking. I could feel the hot breath of the "Dead End Canal Yacht Club" members sitting around us so I asked if he had answered the call. A list of his defferments spewed forth. "In the movie "A Few Good Men", Jack Nicholson tells the snot nosed prosecutor that he can't STAND the truth and maybe he should pick up a rifle and stand a post on the wall of liberty (paraphrasing)." He mumbled something and wandered

Red Right Returning, Whatever!

Most of the "Dead End Canal Yacht Club" members weren't born on the water like a few. We came to it by choice and learned to love the 'wet world' because that was where we felt at home. 30 years ago there wasn't a towing service on every corner so you had to learn the water and the charts. Boating by Boatguy Ed Web Site  Maybe today's boater are more progressive but with the rise in collisions, that might not be the case. The winter activity used to include U.S. Coast Guard Auxilary boating courses. I, myself and me took everything all the way up to Celestial over a ten year span. I was well 'book' qualified even before I started sailing the deep blue sea. Yet when I recommend safety or operational courses to newcomers they scoff. "I've had a boat on Lake Wobegone for 15 years." This ain't Wobegone but you'll be if you don't get some ducation......

Drunk Boater Hits Bridge Kills Boyfriend Dead End Canal Web

May 1st Workers Unite Hangover

May 1st is the International Day for Workers or protests or Union activity. Since the clubhouse is being renovated, the few of us who are here year round gathered at the Pukin' Pelican to talk a little revolution. Very little as it turned out. Boston Bob and I carried a little sign that read "Workers Unite" while Run-aground Ralph and Cap'n Crunch chanted "Down with Communism!" Pensacola Slim came by briefly and gave us a report on his summer residence in Pensacola, it is okay, but our signs about workers offended him so greatly that he took Run-aground Ralph and Cap'n Crunch with him when he left. "You're a Capitalist through and through," Slim shouted as they left, "how can you support Commies?"  Our signs did attract interest from the underpaid, overworked, trampled masses which included waitress, cooks and even the bartender. The assistant manager asked us to leave and not to bring those signs back again! "What