Boating is.. Inconsiderate Boaters

Boating is... Discourtesy on the Waterway! 4/26/08

by boatguy Ed

Letters from You!

Dear Boatguy; “I am a avid, long time boater and a member of the “Dead End Canal Yacht Club” who travels the waterway a couple times a month in my pocket trawler. Last weekend as I was heading north from Captiva Island I was passed by several large boats and most of them were very courteous. Two of them were not and one was a mini-disaster for my little boat.
In a wide part of the waterway I was hugging the right side of the channel very near a marker when a behemoth approached from astern half one plane and throwing a huge wake. The skipper of the running shoe 50 footer passed me within thirty yards and nearly threw me into the marker. I have never felt like my trawler was going to roll over before but from the upper station I was thrown from side to side while I heard my most precious boating possessions being thrown about in the cabin below.
I couldn't turn into the wake because it was so steep that it stopped my forward motion. I held on for dear life and screamed profanities at the lounging senior citizens in the cockpit. I know they heard me because they all turned around but the helmsman didn't. He plowed on for another half mile before throttling down before turning into Cabbage Key.
When I told you this story in person you got mad at me for not following him into the island and throttling that ba+*%#d but I was so shook up and I had screamed my voice away. Since I've seen you I've been thinking about what the difference between the inconsiderate and considerate boaters and I've come to the conclusion that those that own 'running shoe' style boats like Sea Rays and the like are the most inconsiderate.
Why? I think these boats are affordable enough that first time, ignorant boaters can afford them. They write the check and away they go after one sea trial. I'm not blaming all Sea Ray owners because I don't remember the considerate one who are in the vast majority but it is always these brands of boats that either drive you onto a sandbar or cut you off nearly at the knees.” Signed Anonymous

Dear Anonymous Member; You should have followed him into the restaurant, chased him into the bathroom and kicked open the stall door he was hiding in because that is the only way that inconsiderate fool will learn. Whenever I delivered a boat I always had my sling shot and a bag of marbles handy just for that purpose.
The only other alternative was video taping the fool but that wouldn't have worked because you told me the vessel had a dingy on the swim platform. Ideally the Florida Marine Patrol would have been siting somewhere and witnessed the incident but that NEVER happens anymore now they are Fish and Game agents too! They'd be more likely chasing cows off the interstate than patrolling the waterway.
So, Anonymous you are on your own. I recommend a good hickory slingshot with wide rubber bands and a leather marble holder. Loft it high so it don't kill anyone but will get the fools attention. I'm not guaranteeing it will work but one fellow did turn around to ask me why I did that. It was the only time (except those times when I did chase the boat down) when I was able to explain the errors of their ways.
Boat Safe and visit to find out about the best bottom paint made!


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