Real Ghost Stories

I am going to be so happy when the Ghouls night is over this year. It all seems so phony when you've experienced the real thing. When I was a teenager we had real ghosts and goblins. There weren't tourist maps but there were local legends galore. Along Pa. Route 351 between Elwood City and New Galilee a disfigured figure would walk nightly. Near a popular reservoir there were many roads that were disrupted by the body of water so the dead ended or were diverted. The rolling country gave the roads a coaster feel. Legend had it that a hunter many years before mistook a small girl for some type of game and shot her. She died many days later and haunted the lonely country road. I shook hands with both of those legends so I don't fear Hollywood's phony boooo! stories. Dracula, suck on this! Wolf-man, go chase a truck! But I am a little Leary of Frankenstein's Monster just because he's not a ghost but is somewhat viable with the advancement of modern science....