Confusing us Faux Republicans

What is Donald Trump and his family doing to my Republican party? If you've seen me recently, I'm sure you've whispered into the back of your hand, “He looks to be in a daze?”

And you'd be right. It all began many, many years ago when my favorite County Commissioner switched from the 'D' designation to the 'R' designation. Still, he never broke stride in his cause for middle of the road issues. Then I noticed that the Reagan years had converted most Southern 'D's to 'R' without any discernible change in their policy, even Jim Crow.

“Why, how, when did this happen,” I asked Conservatives and Progressives alike. Then the common sense answers lined up behind the fact that there weren't enough Progressives in our County to fill a primary voting booth.

“There are plenty of Progressives but no Progressive candidates for which to vote,” said a die hard 'D' who had switched to 'R' just so he could vote. I hope that is enough of an explanation as to why I'm an 'R' for my up Northern 'D' acquaintances.

So I became a Nelson Rockefeller 'R' but I keep that under my hat at the happy hour discussions on how terrible Hillary is. They have a point. After all isn't it terrible she forgave her husband's indiscretions and robbed her daughter the privilege of coming from a broken home.

Or that their foundation gave away a large portion of the donated money to starving black people in Africa. It was the Obama thing, come on and admit it. He wasn't my guy either but not because he was BLACK but partly because he wasn't black enough, mostly because he wasn't ballsy enough. In the 1870's 'Squaw-man was the lowest thing you could call a Westerner but today everyone wants to tell everyone else that they have a little Indian in them.

How do you think they got the Indian in them? HUH? Either Great Great Grandma had round heels or Great Great Grandpa liked raping and pillaging Indian villages?

Anyway; During all my years of registering 'R', I can count on one hand how many 'real R's' I've voted for but I've grown to respect quite a few. That is why I'm so upset at what the Trump franchise is doing and how they're doing it and to whom. How embarrassing their President is! I said their's because I couldn't claim him under any circumstance.

I didn't like Johnson! He wasn't my President because he tried to kill me and a million more guys like me in the late 60's and beyond. I didn't care much about Watergate but I knew Nixon was playing the peace talks just to get re-elected. He accomplished one thing though, he taught a bunch of young Republicans to lie badly!

So in a bounce year (after one party has held the Presidency too long) the other Party wins big and like in Obama's first term they have the 'whole ball of dung' including an unlikely President. Trump is a Political novice who surrounds himself with incompetent Billionaire ideologues and family. And the GOP pays dearly for them.

They say that all Politics is local. They might be right but around Lee County Florida (Yes they named it after the General) it will take the complete collapse of the 'R's to change many minds. One can only wait! It's coming!

(P.S.; Even though Southwest Florida was pro-Union during the Civil War, Negro Soldiers were stationed at the Fort controlling the Caloosahatchee River. The people voted to re-name the County Lee, in spite!)

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