Summer is time for changes?

The Pukin' Pelican has a new manager. She is a real fireball who is going to change the old place around. Alice, the old manager was too cozy with some patrons and too remote with others. The best way to get on her side was wear a red Trump hat! The unofficial/official dismissal reason was she gave away too much stuff so she had to go.

We (DECYC members) were never officially barred but it was subtly conveyed that our world view didn't line up with her's and she was the Boss! As soon as Alice was canned, large part of the customer base left, too. Less cars in the parking lot meant that we (Dead End Canal Yacht Club members) were welcome back.

So we went back and met the new manager who was tending bar. “Gentlemen, welcome to the Pelican, my name is Ivy and I'm the new manager.” Such a charming Cockney accent and an attractive build for a 50 something women. She would have been an eight except for the pasty white complexion.

“I think I've seen her on television,” said Hard Hearted Hanna, “she was chasing a bunch of people down an alley on the AMC walking dead channel!”

“Are you hungry, Luv? We have a new menu!” And boy was it new. The ink was hardly dry on the one page Xeroxed copy. Not since I was last in England had I seen so much English food single spaced on what she thought was a menu.

“This won't fly,” I said as I went down the list. I was feeling really smart. I usually do after my second beer. “What you need to do is go steal a menu from Doc Fjords, Matanzas on the Bay and Parrot Key Caribbean Grill. Make a list of several items from each place and go eat them and maybe, just maybe you'll have a chance to keep your job!”

“Well that was a new worlds record for being welcomed back and thrown out again,” said Hanna.

Off to the Nauti Parrot Dock Bar. We had been practically living at the Nauti Parrot Dock Bar, since it opened May 1st and we are very happy to see one of our favorite places open again. We have high hopes for this second location of the Nauti Parrot. Some fine tuning on the menu is probably the only drag on this popular place so far!

We've seen most of the management from the other 7 or 8 waterfront bar/restaurants on Fort Myers Beach's back bay scouting the Nauti Parrot. Several asked our opinions and we all had overwhelmingly positive opinions. Cap'n Crunch and his buddy, Run-aground Ralph gave negative comments on some of the food they had but mostly because it wasn't exactly like Doc Fjords.

Alice, the former manager of the Pukin' Pelican, came in and sat down with us. We bought her a couple of beers, no hard feelings. “I wonder if they're hiring managers,” she asked our waitress, Sweet Jane. “Oh well, I can always get a job up on Kentucky Lake for the summer!”

“We thought the Pelican was doing good, what happened,” asked Trucker Charlie. Alice just shrugged and looked around longingly at her former customers who were avoiding her. “I kinda like the youth movement! Especially Mustang Sally and her personality,” said Charley.”

“You got to pay them young girls more and they always have an excuse for being late or wanting cut early. I had to hire a cleaning crew 'cause the place was getting so filthy,” said Alice. “Not that you old deviates would notice. You just stayed focused on two things.” We got the joke and gave her an appreciative laugh.

“We ain't dead yet,” said Boston Bob, “plenty of looking left in these old eyes.” Just about then the entertainment changed and a pretty woman sang the top 100 songs of our recent past and we were happier there than we ever were at the Pelican and the constant battle between music choices.  

Sitting at the bar at the Nauti Parrot is much preferred because the barmaids are attentive but table service is slow?  

This blog/column is meant for educational purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All images are merely for humor and not meant to comment on subject. Void where prohibited. Some assembly required. Do not read while operating a vehicle or heavy machinery. Keep sending those great questions and comments! (Contact)


Anonymous said…
I didn't realize you went to work at the Nauti Parrot? We like it also but it ain't perfect yet? Service is good if you're sitting at the bar but if you are at outside tables it is slow. I think they need a stand alone service bar cause ppl get pissed seeing their waitress standing in a queue at the end of the bar. Maybe you'll forget the Pukin' place and write more about the Moose?

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