The Trouble with Tribles
The Trouble with Tribles
An episode of the television show 'Star
Trek' warned us, humanity, to be wary of things that seem to be
innocuous. In this episode, the Enterprise is ferrying an immensely
valuable load of grain to a starving Galaxy, so the people could
replant these crops and survive. Really? Sending a Star Cruiser, the
most powerful ship in the known Universe to deliver grain?
I think I remember this plot in the
Greek Tragedies. Probably written by Homer or Aristotle or them kinda
guys. But in the fashion of watching Television is Time Immemorial I
will sit down and suspend all logical thinking. Anyway, maybe the
Warp drives were broken but the trip was taking so long that they
needed R&R on a space station/way-point.
A pain-in-the-ass official of the
Federation High Counsel was aboard to make sure they didn't screw up
the job and to be a nemesis for Kirk. Klingons lurked around every
corner and an unscrupulous trader had smuggled aboard the neutral
space station, Tribles, a cute as a button, furry, re-productively
over achiever, nerve soothing, space creatures.
Now to the segue; just before the New
Year began an old friend called with the news of another old friend's
demise. “He was 71 (we don't have to say '71 what' because our ages
are the highest number in the conversation), how old are you now,”
he asked. I proudly claimed my youthful 70 and he asked, “Are you a
'shrivel' yet?”
We both broke into hysterical laughter
as we remembered 'shrivel' as being the term we used for old people
when we were young people. After blowing my nose and clearing the
phlegm from my chortled throat, I replied, “No, I'm too fat to have
achieved shrivel-dom!”
We had never agreed on the definition
but we'd always used it as a
derogatory term for an old person who was pissing us off. “Look at this shrivel driving slow in the fast lane or... the Pukin' Pelican is loaded with shrivels for the early bird, happy hour, or the 'buy one get one free', half priced chicken wing promotion.”

derogatory term for an old person who was pissing us off. “Look at this shrivel driving slow in the fast lane or... the Pukin' Pelican is loaded with shrivels for the early bird, happy hour, or the 'buy one get one free', half priced chicken wing promotion.”

We always assumed, that we'd never be
shrivels but we have. The skin crepes and the lips thin and the skin
bruises more easily. Just like over ripened fruit. It is inevitable
but some women and a few men think shriveling is attractive
everywhere except the face. The bleached blond Trophy Wife is
suddenly a 50 year old shrivel rushing to the Plastic Surgeon for a
stretch but sun damaged skin doesn't have much stretch. Plastic!
We sure do enjoy the view from across
the canal during spring break when the plumped skinned College girls
bake in the Florida Sun but deep down we cringe, too! Going to school
in Wisconsin means that a well tanned co-ed needs a tanning salon or
go Au-natural white. They quickly catch up on sun damage while in
Future Shrivels everyone!
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This blog/column is meant for educational purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All images are merely for humor and not meant to comment on subject. Void where prohibited. Some assembly required. Do not read while operating a vehicle or heavy machinery. Keep sending those great questions and comments! (Contact)