The Reverend came by the Dock Thursday morning and kidnapped me aboard his 27' Tritoon. He thought I was suffering from cabin fever, which I am and in need of a boat ride, which I really was. “I ain't taking you for a beer cause Mrs. Boatguy has forbidden the ingestion of such fluids into your broken body.” “My body isn't broken, too much,” I quipped but I knew he was right and she was right and they were right. (Doctors) See, I didn't count on the infection compromising my chest. Even though the open heart surgery went great, along came the infection to fuck things up. “Let's take a spin around Fort Myers Beach before it gets to real hot and the happy hour crowds crawl out and tempts you,” The Rev said. So we did, the Rev, me and my chest vacuum which I have to wear so my 'wound' heals from the inside out. It is a pain to be tied to the vac but everyone says it will be worth it in the end. Bullshit! To say I enjoyed the back bay to the South...