Drinking not fishing Near Fort Myers Beach

A group of friends of friends of friends from Ohio came to town and borrowed my Biddison 22 for a week of fishing. They had impeccable credentials including Coast Guard Auxiliary certification. The only requirement I imposed was that my boat had to be back at my dock two hours after sunset every day. Take a wild guess at how many days it made the dock? If you said one you'd be one over. It didn't bother me that much but the wife was pissed. I knew where the boat was and twice I swung by to see it was at my neighbors dock. I ran into them at Dock Fords and they were sufficiently contrite. They promised to have it ship shape and home the night before they left. They must have docked it in the middle of the night because it was magically there in the morning. In the boat there were s few beer cans but no dings or dents. The 22 Biddison has more storage than any other boat ever built. I started to clean the boat but was called away, wink, wink! When I got home my wife...