Easter Bloody Mary Brunch; “Jesus had a rough couple of days!”
In attendance were the usual suspects;
Run-a-ground and his misses, Erie Earl, Michigan Mike, Cleveland Jack
and Cap'n and misses Crunch. Late arrivals included New Jersey Kenny
and New York John. Misses Crunch wanted to read one of the Bibles
about Jesus' last days on Earth but since no one could agree which
Bible was the most accurate, we settled for tuning in the movie
classic “The Greatest Story Ever Told” on the big screen TV in
the family room.
That compromise split off some of the more religious from us Agnostics. Anyway, back to Jesus rough day. Erie Earl thought he must have had a real bad hangover when he awoke in that tomb.
New Guy Phil wanted to discuss the dimensions of said Tomb but that was deemed irrelevant by all but misses Ralph. She is a born decorator and was quite willing to talk about how curtains would have brightened up the place.
Cleveland Jack committed a faux pax by mentioning the probability that the former president would have sub-let the walk-in cave to one of his cronies. Plumber Joe's wife called Jack an insensitive Bastard but the expected brouhaha faded away in the spirit of the day.
“He rode into town through cheering throngs, had dinner with his Buds and was betrayed by that traitor, faced his reluctant enemy, condemned by his Priest, flogged, made to carry the means of his own demise and finally Crucified,” explained New York John.
Michigan Mike couldn't understand why he would go through all of that when he, as son of God knew everything that was going to happen beforehand. “A paper cut would have been sufficient,” argued Mike, “they can be really pain full.”
New Jersey Kenny was the first to yawn. We all know, when one starts, everyone gets the yawns and most parties are over. I suspected Ken had alternative motives. The Lighthouse happy hour was starting.