Grandmother's Boating Rules

The clenched jawed, white haired woman said,” You aren't taking my Grandchildren 30 0r 40 miles offshore in that 24' boat!” “Mom, it's brand new, less than a hundred hours on the engine with all the safety equipment that we'll ever need,” the Son replied. “I put up with you and your Fathers' foolishness because I was outvoted but a Grandmothers vote supersedes everybody,” she retorted. I started to slink away from the 'Pukin' Pelican's bar but wasn't stealthy nor quick enough. “Tell her boatguy, you've been out there plenty and always made it back,” said the Son. “He has nothing to say about this. Everybody knows about his fool hardy escapades in small boats or sinking boats BUT he's been plain lucky,” she said with the her Grandmotherly assuredness! There it was, my out, a clear path to the door. Yes I was lucky and even luckier, I was free because she dismissed me. Did I take it, no! I sat back down and blurted out, ...