Politics will get you banned!

“What is wrong with this country,” asked Texarkana Hanna, “why can't it be like the old days?” “Old days like how,” asked Boston Bob, “not like when you had to keep your mouth closed because you were a woman?” “I never kept my mouth shut and I got the false teeth to prove it,” said Hanna reaching into her mouth to pull out her choppers. “Been punched hard by many a man!” Everyone shouted; No, no, no we don't want to see!!!!! “How often have you been Trump Groped?” “I'm seventy one years young and I got most of my teeth,” said Railroad Tom, “thanks to good Union contracts I had good dental care and good medical care and life insurance!” “What happened to your brain cells? You drank most of them under the bus, didn't you?” said Cap'n Crunch. “I raised a family, stayed with one woman until she died and I have a newer boat than you do, you old degenerate,” said Tom. “My only regret is that I was a cheapskate. I wish I'd spent ...