Taillight Season

Why do perfect strangers feel it is proper to grill perfect strangers with questions that would seem inappropriate anywhere else? Recently there was an article in the New York Times that asked a similar question; Subjects of questions that would make the questioner an asshole in any other part of our country? One of the subjects was 'how much do you pay for rent.' Okay, I get it! New York strangers are afraid they are getting screwed on their rent so it's okay to get that personal with other newly acquainted New York strangers. Everybody knows New Yorkers from the 5 boroughs are pushy. But why do so many mid-westerners ask so many inane questions? Are they hopeful they may run into a long lost relative of a grade school classmate? “Where are you from,” usually is accompanied with, “nobody is from here!” And why do they get offended when a question is asked in return, “How would that information benefit you?” Another one is, “How can you stand NOT having ...