Goodbye Nauti Turtle..... or is it good riddance?

Dolphin Video It's probably been 18 months since we (DECYC) regularly frequented the 'Nauti Turtle. Some of us were mad 'cause they booted those obnoxious Ohio fans like the Browns DOG POUND and the much more refined "Buckeye Backers" and some of us didn't like the food and some of us felt the place was dirty and some of us didn't like the constant change in help BUT all of us didn't like the managment, period. The owner of the business came from Toledo and it was strange that he couldn't put up with the Dog Pound when they were loyal drunks and probably spent every Fall Sunday guzzling overpriced drinks. The manager was all biz. He was unwilling or unable to be pleasant and that is a necessity for upper restaurant management. We love Betty! Hell, everybody loves Betty but even she couldn't make us change our mind. The Nauti Turtle closed Monday April 28th and already their has been an influx of former patrons to the Sunset Bar. The...