
Showing posts from April, 2008

Boating is.. Inconsiderate Boaters

Boating is... Discourtesy on the Waterway! 4/26/08 by boatguy Ed Letters from You! Dear Boatguy; “I am a avid, long time boater and a member of the “Dead End Canal Yacht Club” who travels the waterway a couple times a month in my pocket trawler. Last weekend as I was heading north from Captiva Island I was passed by several large boats and most of them were very courteous. Two of them were not and one was a mini-disaster for my little boat. In a wide part of the waterway I was hugging the right side of the channel very near a marker when a behemoth approached from astern half one plane and throwing a huge wake. The skipper of the running shoe 50 footer passed me within thirty yards and nearly threw me into the marker. I have never felt like my trawler was going to roll over before but from the upper station I was thrown from side to side while I heard my most precious boating possessions being thrown about in the cabin below. I couldn't turn into the wake because it was so steep th

Boating is.... Manifolds

Boating is.... by boatguy Ed On my morning constitutional I noticed the "Handy Dandy Dockside Service" truck parked in Indiana Andy's driveway. He is one of the newer members in our beloved "Dead End Canal Yacht Club" and he's from Indiana of course! He brought an 8 year old 30 foot Barslammer down with him several years ago and has kept it on a lift ever since. He's a bit of a know it all. The members never really took him under our wings, nice fellow though! His wife makes Swedish meatballs for our club meetings and they are a big hit! On my second round trip I saw 'Jeff the dockside mechanic' putting his tools in his truck and said hello. I'd forgotten that I once wrote unkindly words about the skill level of 'some' dockside mechanics in a recent column. His chilly reception reminded me. "Up and at it early this morning," I said in a glancing way because I intended to keep moving. I'm not sure if he'd rehearse

Boating is,,, Key West?

Boating by boatguy Ed "I don't get you guys," murmured a newbie member of the "Dead End Canal Yacht" club the other day. "I've offered a dozen of you a ride to Key West on my new boat and you've all said no, what gives?" "Wait until the snowbirds come back and you'll have a dozen people who want to go with you," replied Minnesota Paul. "How can you guys be tired of Key West? It's right out of a Hemingway novel and it's so colorful," moaned the newbie. "It's hot and smelly in the summertime and snooty and weired in the winter," replied Boston Denise, wife to Boston Bob. "And Hemingway wouldn't be caught dead there now!" "It's not the best time to visit," said Run-aground Ralph. "But I understand you wanting to go so why don't you just go?" "I can't believe you people are so jaded," the newbie said with a great sigh of resignation before quietly

Boating is...

Coming soon boatguy Ed's weekly column about boating and his pals in the "Dead End Canal Yacht Club" This young lady loves to paint bottoms boatguy Ed on Boating