
Showing posts from May, 2018

Times, they are a-changing!

Our neighborhood, commonly referred to as the 'Canal' isn't age restricted but it is deed restricted. The deed was written right after Hurricane Donna in the 1960's mostly to prevent ppl from bringing in trailers to replace the damaged homes. Insurance wasn't what it is today and many residents never rebuilt on the middle of the island. Over the years there have been additions to the restrictions but it is still a fairly simple place to live. The association doesn't nitpick every little flower or color change on your front door. Some of us go overboard during the holidays and others do almost nothing.  There are enough Hanukkah candles in the windows to make us feel good about our diversity and even a few Happy Kwanzaa wishes. Now we have our first family from a Muslim nation but no one knows anything about them so wild rumors abound and base fears are rampant. We went through this when Doctor Lump bought next door to Run-aground Ralph. He wa