
Showing posts from July, 2016

Keep an eye on your vessel!

Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission sent this bulletin at 07/29/2016 11:00 AM EDT For immediate release: July 29, 2016 Photos available on the FWC’s Flickr site: New at-risk vessel law helps FWC officials manage Florida waterways A new Florida law, approved by the Legislature and Governor during the 2016 Session, will enable county and local authorities along with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) to more effectively manage the state’s waterways. The new law (F.S. 327.4107) allows law enforcement officers to issue non-criminal citations to owners who allow their boats to become “at risk” of becoming derelict. “This law allows officers to take action before a vessel crosses that line between at-risk and derelict, and hopefully prompts the owner to rectify any issues with the vessel before it reaches a state of disrepair,” said Phil Horning, FWC’s derelict vessel program administrator. “Prior to this law being

VA is Competant

Let me tell you how good the Florida VA care is... On the way back from a 2 week driving vacation I became short of breath with coughing and wheezing. I self-diagnosed upper respiratory infection but since my open heart surgery and unresolved issues were on our minds, Marion and I swung over to the VA Hospital in St. Pete. Thru the Emergency room I was admitted for upper respiratory infection or Congested Heart Failure. Battery of tests concluded Bronchitis but my Hospitalist  was still convinced of CHF until Marion caught my stuff.  In the mean time my CT scan showed total blockage in one of the artery's not replaced during the CABG. The procedure had been on hold because of infection. Whamo I was scheduled for an Angioplasty of a totally blocked vessel?  YIKES Even some of my family in the field were concerned. A hotshot Doctor explained it would be no problem. He did them all the time, he had this! Somewhat abrasive but very confident. He did it! WOW and this is the VA that e