
Showing posts from October, 2014

Fort Myers Beach Pirate Quests

If the Pirates were alive today they would be so proud of their descendants. Last weekend there were real, or maybe look-alike Pirates, occupying the beach and they weren't the dressed up bunch either. At least there wasn't any charge for the admission but the parking lots were doing land office business on Saturday but not so well on Sunday because of NFL football. There were two small blocks of booths quite willing to take the coin of the realm from you and a few food vendors plus a bagpiper and plenty of small canons to scare the tykes. Many were hoping for re-enactments of the most brutal pirate characteristics but besides a bar brawl or two, there weren't much. Truthfully, I'm not aware of any brawls but there should have been. I can only envision arguments over which Pirate's wench showed more boob or who had more inappropriate tattoos. The 'Dead Enc Canal Yacht Club' members stayed out of the way on Saturday afternoon while Pirate ships arr

DECYC Education Sunday on Fort Myers Beach

The first Sunday of the month is 'Education Sunday' and every senior member of the 'Dead End Canal Yacht Club' is in the rotation for teaching. Last Sunday was my turn. I wanted to teach about Ethics in Business but the Education Committee thought that was way beyond our little groups ability to absorb since most were retired scoundrels. I was slightly disappointed because I was hoping to use as an example a local business' firing of a long time employee because she got breast Cancer and her Chemo treatment was interfering with her job. Oh well, I picked another topic. One that would guarantee it would be a short session, Sailing. Of the 20 something eager faces looking up at me from the folding seats, I expected that no more than 5 would remain after my opening statement and slide. The sound of wooden chairs being slammed together for storage was thunderous and I'm sure the departing members were thankful for an early out so they could watch NFL footbal