
Showing posts from March, 2014

Cleveland Jack's Hope

For years Cleveland Jack has dreamed of the day his daughter would move to Florida. We think this year's weather in Cleveland may have changed her mind. Her Son, his grandson is 8 and loves to walk the beach with Grandpa and discuss the world. We know that it would make Jack happy. Other Clevelanders/Marble Headians have come to the same conclussion. Friends visiting CJ came down for a moth's visit and bought a condo near the beach. They were so inclined because CJ took them on several boat rides which sealed the deal. I think he's signing them up at the Boat Club.

Boston Bob's Taxi Adventures

Boston Bob is a good father, maybe too good. He came out of retirement because his only Son lost his job in New York city. BB started driving for an airport car service about 5 years ago to help his son who wanted to stay in the City. But then y'all know this if you've been reading my column in the Fort Myers Beach Bulletin, right. Anyway, Boston Bob had a hell of a time on St. Pat's Day. Seems that his first ride was a successful recovering alcoholic lady who preached the beauty of sobriety for the entire 45 minute ride. "I told her that it was going to be hard for me to have a good time celebrating the day after she was finished." Later in the morning he was late for a pickup at Port Royal in Naples partly because the dispatcher dispatched the ride late. He didn't bring it up because he wanted to get off early and didn't want to piss off the dispatcher. As it turned out, his last ride was two teenage girls going to Sanibel. "I was i

Update RAR's troubles

FROM EARLIER POST; RAR (Run-aground Ralph) has had female problems ever since he moved onto the canal 17 years ago. We've know 2 Mrs. Ralph's and the current female residing in his abode, Hot Tamale. If you remember, Hottie first came to the canal with Manny from Miami but their relationship cooled after RAR began to openly woo Hottie. The current Mrs. Run-aground Ralph is in the process of divorcing him but it hasn't gone smoothly. Run-aground Ralph has a very smart Lawyer who writes nearly air tight pre-nuptial agreements. Nearly means almost, some leakage, slightly porous and Mrs. Run-aground Ralph may have found an out. She and her attorney have interpreted a clause about co-mingling of funds and they contend that it revokes the agreement. See you in court! UPDATE; Mrs. Run-aground Ralph is really starting trouble and she has first hand experience. "Bitch turned me in to the IRS," said Ralph to Cap'n Crunch and Pensacola Sli

Such a busy time of the year!

Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead in this blog, is purely coincidental. I've tried to get another member of the 'Dead End Canal Yacht Club' because I'm so busy making Super Shipbottom Antifouling Bottom Paint. This should be the height of our spring Northeast season but because of all the ice and snow we are having a slow start. One Michiganer told me at the Bonita Springs Spring Boat Show last weekend that the bay his marina is on is frozen solid to the bottom. I'll try to post as often as I can!

Man resued after 10 hours by Seatow

Man resued after 10 hours by Seatow

Run-aground Ralph's Dilema

RAR (Run-aground Ralph) has had female problems ever since he moved onto the canal 17 years ago. We've know 2 Mrs. Ralphs and the current female residing in his abode, Hot Tamale. If you remember, Hottie firsat came to the canal with Manny from Miami but their relationship cooled after RAR began to openly woo Hottie. The current Mrs. Run-aground Ralph is in the process of divorcing him but it hasn't gone smoothly. Run-aground Ralph has a very smart Lawyer who writes nearly air tight pre-nuptial agreements. Nearly means almost, some leakage, slightly pourous and Mrs. Run-aground Ralph may have found an out. She and her attorney have interpreted a clause about co-mingling of funds and they contend that it revokes the agreement. See you in court!

Quick Updates

Wisconsin Day at the Salty Sam's marina restaurants, Parrot Key and Big Game Waterfront Grill was a huger success than Ohio Day. No, I don't have numbers to back up this observation but only reports from the staff. Sorry, Jack! No personal report 'cause I wasn't there! Cheese Heads and plastic cups, you know. Bonita Springs Boat Show starts March 6th and runs through the 9th. See you there!

Luxury Yacht Burns Off Sanibel For Carl and Terri Natale it was a split-second decision Monday morning when he lifted a rear hatch on their million-dollar, 64-foot Neptunis boat about 5 miles off the Sanibel Island shoreline and smoke billowed out. “I don’t know what happened,” he said Monday afternoon. “My wife heard the smoke alarm going off. I tried to go down there. I opened the hatch on the rear deck and all kinds of smoke came pouring out.” He is a certified fire and explosion investigator. Natale said he and his wife, had just seconds to flee the Al-Di-La!, which he purchased for $1 million in 2008. The boat’s name is Italian for a mystical place.