Boating; Hurry Up Season!

As the Snowbird members of our beloved 'Dead End Canal Yacht Club' drift into town, we year rounders are at a loss for explanation about the “State of the Beach.” The road construction is ongoing without an apparent end in site, many of our favorite watering holes are on shaky ground and that layer of government that was not supposed to impact our lives, HAS! And several restaurants are falling behind in their promises! The 'Best of the Beach' is a contest that is somehow rigged by the restaurants themselves. So the best breakfast on the beach might not be. We don't know how they do it but the awarding newspapers have to be involved because even Stevie Wonder could detect fraud from Xeroxed ballots in the same handwriting. From One of the Beach Places with Boot in their name but NOT from the one that Claims to have the Best Ribs ! “Who has the best BBQ,” asked a tourist. “I see the electronic sign on the approach of the beach declaring they have 'ho...